A secluded location in the southern Alentejo


Not far away from the sunny beaches of Algarve, a haven of nature.

Lobelha is located at the southernmost part of Alentejo, just a few kilometers from Algarve.

This allows you to land in Faro and drive 1 h to the house, or in Lisbon Airport, that is 2h30 away.

If you want to see the location, you can also view the video that centers on the house.

Accessing the house is done through a dirt road from the IC-1, so you don’t want to use a sports car to come. But the road is maintained and the 25 minutes from IC-1 are the occasion to enjoy beautiful landscapes (especially in April and May).

The lake of Santa Clara was finished in 1969. It is a reservoir lake built on the Mira river. Depending on rain, it has a long cycle of filling and emptying that lasts several years. It was last full in 2014, has been slowly emptying since, but is srtill fully enjoyable for all activities.

Even when it is not full, the lake provides kilometers of clear water for boating, water skiing, windsurfing or just paddling. The temperature of the water in the summer is usually above 25°C, reaching higher temperatures in some places.

It is a protected area : no houses are allowed to be built except for special projects. Thus the lake is usually very quiet, with no more than a few boats cruising on the main part each day. Most access to the lake is done from the dam itself, which is located a few kilometers away.